
We are all tired. We are all in the same war fighting different battles. We are all fragile. There is nothing that is right about a world that is filled with so much that is wrong.
The reason people are mean is because they are mad. They are mad because they are tired. They are tired because they are hurt. They are hurt because someone else was mean, the world is mean, and this life is mean.
Next time someone is mean to you think that far back into the reason instead of assuming it is about you.
Treat the problem with the proper medicine and healing begins. Kindness, compassion, humility and the Holy Spirit can lead all the broken to the healer if we allow ourselves to step out of the vicious cycle of defeat.
Jesus is the only One who can cure the disease mankind spreads to one another daily. He is the only peace that can calm the chaos this world creates on the daily. He is the only truth in world that lies.
Don’t run from the adversity in your life. Run at it. Don’t turn your back on those who hurt you, but give them back to the One who can help them and you

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